Aircraft List
Ka-50 canon activation checklist
1.(Facultative) Auto Hover switch ON (LALT+T by default) and collective to 75 %/normal operating position.
Weapons Power switch ON
Flip cover UP, switch UP, flip cover DOWN.
Select gun by pressing “C” (or Gun Select key binding)
Laser Power switch ON (FWD)
Select “MOVING GROUND TARGET” button if tracking a moving target
Select “AUTO TURN” button if you want the Ka 50 to automatically face the direction you are aiming
Select AUTO (FWD) cannon mode if using the SHKVAL for tracking or MAN for boresighted (unguided) mode.
Select MOV mode (or FIX if you are not using the SHKVAL)
HMS switch ON (FWD) (facultative)
Master Arm switch ON (UP)
Weapon Launch Mode : Auto
Weapon Burst Length : As desired
SHORT = 10 / MED LONG = 20
Ammunition Type:
HE: High Explosive
API: Armor Piercing Incendiary
Low/High rate of fire (200/600 RPM)
Uncage SHKVAL by pressing “O” or using custom binding.
Change SHKVAL FOV to either NARROW 7X or WIDE 23X using “+“ or “--” or custom key
Slew SHKVAL to desired target using KU 31 Slew UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT controls “,” “.” “/”and “;”
Lock target (“Enter” key)
Fire Gun (“Spacebar” or custom “Gun Fire” binding)
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