Aircraft List
Ka-50 unguided weapons activation checklist
Weapons Power switch ON
Flip cover UP, switch UP, flip cover DOWN.
Set collective weapon hat switch to the RIGHT to select rocket pods (inner pylons if equipped as such)
Laser Power switch ON (FWD)
HMS switch ON (FWD) (facultative)
Master Arm switch ON (UP)
Select rocket type
0: S 8KOM rockets with AT /AP warhead
1: S 8TsM rockets (smoke warhead)
2: S 13 rockets
3: S 24 heavy rockets (not implemented in DCS)
4: S 8M HE rockets
5: UPK 23 gun pods, twin 23mm
Weapon Burst Length
SHORT = 1 pair / MED = 5 pairs / LONG = 10 pairs
Uncage SHKVAL by pressing “O” or using custom binding.
Change SHKVAL FOV to either NARROW 7X or WIDE 23X using “+“ or “--” or custom key
Slew SHKVAL to desired target using KU 31 Slew UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT controls “,” “.” “/”and “;”
Lock target (“Enter” key)
Fly towards target and fire when the two circles on the HUD are aligned.
Release Weapons ( Ralt+Spacebar)
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